The Brazilian real estate market is booming. Not only in the big cities.

Many Brazilian construction companies are opening up to joint ventures with foreign investors or are going public as corporations with their stocks being issued and traded at the Stock Exchange (BOVESPA).

What would seem impossible some decades ago has become a reality: real estate financing for as long as 30 years. Lower interest rates also play a significant role in this new era for investments in this trade.

The laws have also been changed in order to assure sellers the rign to immediately take back the property if buyer becomes insolvent.

The opportunities are not limited to home construction. Industrial and commercial  buildings, including industrial complexes and plants are on demand.

Residencial complexes, new neighborhoods with all sorts of recreational facilities are popping up in many of the most important cities of the country.

However, it goes without saying that a good business is as good as the individuals and the partners involved in its execution. This is why Prado Garcia Advogados is always attempt to the legal and business aspects of all negotiations involving its clients.